
A gentle exfoliation followed by a wonderful hand and arm massage, cuticles and nails are tidied and your treatment concludes with colour of your choice.
Hands are left feeling softer, smoother and firmer.
1 Hour treatment for £22.00
Treatment begins with the removal of hard skin, gentle exfoliation followed with a cuticle tidy, foot mask is then applied, a pressure point foot massage to help relieve stress and feel relaxed, the treatment is fished of with a perfect polish.
1 Hour treatment for £30.00
Geleration by Jessica
The latest long lasting nail polish goes on like a paint, lasts like a gel. With no chipping and dries instantly this is extremely popular for fingers and toes
Fingers are soaked in lavender crystals to soften the cuticles they are then tided followed by nail file and preparation. Nail prep is the foundation for long lasting gels, close form an array of colours a relaxing hand massage to finish the treatment.
45mins £30.00
Feet are soaked in a warm foot spa. Hard skin is removed followed by an exfoliation, cuticles and nails are tided. nail prep followed by your choice of colour this is finished with a relaxing foot massage.
1 Hour £35.00
Both £60.50
Gel removal is £7.50 no charge if a new set is applied
Gel removal not applied by the Beauty Barn is £10
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